Supporting the Future of Healthcare in Cambodia
Finding Innovative Ways To Push Healthcare Forward In Hard To Reach Places
Share the Health Cambodia is a US based 501 (c) (3) Nonprofit NGO (Non-governmental Organization) dedicated to improving life and health across the world. We provided free medical care to over 10,000 impoverished patients at our clinic in Chong Dong Village, in rural Kampong Thom Province in 2009. We continue to to improve the medical care available to Cambodians by cooperating with their government and other international agencies to arrange patient care and medical education. We continue to find ways to coordinate non-profit missions and projects to places where it can do the most good.
Emergency Medical Curriculum
Many educational materials in Khmer, the local language, are often out of date. We work with US based paramedics, physicians, and nurses to create and publish a Prehospital Emergency Medical training curriculum that can be implemented in rural areas of Cambodia. Our “M.A.T.” training will enable and empower Cambodians to establish the foundations for a national EMS system.
Creating Emergency Medical instructors of the future
Creating a curriculum was just the start, STHC is dedicated to creating the first nationally recognized Prehospital medical training program that will work as the foundation for bringing Cambodian prehospital care into the 21st century.
Support for Communities
Share the Health Cambodia is more than an educational organization. With the help of our donors we will supply much needed medications and supplements, as well as basic emergency medical response kits, to areas with limited access to medical care. We also work with local citizens to provide food and supplies to rural Cambodian orphanages and impoverished families.

“.បងប្រុសជាមនុស្សល្អនៅលើពិភពលោកវាកំរ រកមនុស្សដែលមានទឹកចិត្តដូចបងប្រុសណាស់ សូមជួនពរឲបងជួបតែសេចក្ដីសុខគ្រប់កាងារ.”
“You are the best man in the world and I wish you well on all you do.”
— Senghakk Vay., Midwife

STHC CEO James Garcia sharing his love of music with school children at the International Language school of Cambodia in Kampong Thmorr..
For more information or if you are interested in joining our team, please contact us